Vegetarian or not?

Becoming a mostly vegetarian with the exception of seafood and some chicken has forced me to branch out and try new foods or even old foods I have hated since childhood.

Now I am not a vegetarian on any kind of moral grounds. If my body would accept it I would chow down on a medium steak like the rest of you carnivores. However it has been so many years since I have been able to eat steak that I have pretty much lost a taste for meat.

Sometimes I chop  extra of whatever I am using and freeze it in small baggies for future use. Today, as I was creating I pulled baggies out of the freezer. Here is a quickie meal I am calling Ida Belles Chicken Frittata.

I had a single pie shell taking up space in my small freezer, so I was laying in bed last night trying to think how I should use it.

                                     Ida Belles Chicken Frittata

Ingredients: Celery, purple onion, Red Pepper, frozen corn, frozen spinach, edemame. cream, eggs, shredded cheese, 1 cup cubed cooked chicken. 1 pie shell, Herb de Provence. I just used a little handful of each vegetable.

I chopped up the colored vegetables and they looked beautiful sauteing in my small cast iron skillet in butter.  I threw in about 1/2 teaspoon Herb de Provence.While I was waiting I whipped up some half and half and two eggs in a bowl.

Make sure you squeeze all the water you can out of the spinach. Maybe you haven't tried cooking with edemame but don't be scared. Edemame are immature soy beans. They have a nice flavor and I especially like the texture. You have probably seen them in Eastern Asian recipes. They are kind of high in carbs but they have a lot of protein in them for a vegetable.

After my onions were translucent I put the vegetables in the pie crust. I added the chicken pieces to the top. I only used one small breast. This is a good way to stretch meat when serving a group.

Then I poured on my egg, cream, shredded cheese mixture. I topped the whole thing with more shredded cheese and shoved it in a 350 oven. When the crust was brown and the filling cooked I took it out - about 30 minutes. 

The Official Taste Testers gave it a thumbs up. One of them put Tobasco on it - no accounting for some people. The other three liked it the way it was.

I have been going through more of  my mothers things. 42 VHS family movies. Yep. 42. I ordered a little gadget to transform them into DVD format. 42 DVD's will take up a lot less room.

I also did the unthinkable. I cut up a quilt made by my Great Grandmother, Bertie. I took my piece to Michael's to be matted and framed. Pieces were distributed to other cousins and I will be interested to see what crafty things they come up with.

My cousin Sara made a beautiful picture from a piece of a Sunbonnet Sue quilt.

I also found my mother's geneology work and she had included some personal memories of her grandparents. I pulled them to copy and share with the family and then all of it will go to my oldest son Nick for his research.

Slowly, I am parting with her things. Each time I feel like a lose another piece of her.


  1. I, too, have a frozen pie crust on the freezer awaiting use & might try your recipe!


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