Indian Princesses, DNA and Gypsies

I have been on a cleaning binge today. I don't know why, I am not nesting at my age. I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. Now my office is clean and straight so I am not sure I can concentrate enough to work. 

The scales didn't actually need new batteries, the one in there is one of those flat round ones and it had become dislodged. Boy am I sorry I fixed it. I marched right over to the condo office with all the cookies, candy and banana bread in the house. I cleaned out the fridge, scrubbed, and while I was at it shoved some furniture around.

When I was straightening the office I ran across the results of the DNA testing I did a few months ago. You know how in the commercials people are reunited with unknown relatives and find out they are part of some exotic nationality? Yeah.

My husband as some of you might know is a Real Indian. He was born on the reservation in his Grandpa's cabin by the lake in a town called Onigum. Here in WV everyone who meets him rushes to tell him how they are part Indian - usually Cherokee-and their great great whatever was an Indian princess. He tries really hard to just smile and stay silent. He really wants to slap them. Just an FYI.

First of all, Disney has princesses. Tribes don't. Well except the one on the float that is crowned at the Rib Festival every year. For years our family also claimed to be Cherokee. Guess what? According to my DNA, not one single drop. It was actually quite disappointing. More than half British/Irish with the majority British. Less than a quarter Swiss, with just a dash of Scandinavian and a pinch of Italian. It does explain my bad teeth.

I heard from two of my children today. One is in the Grand Cayman's and one is on the way to Alaska. Maybe those two have Gypsy in their DNA. Probably a Gypsy Princess.
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  1. Not sure I "get" the title, but otherwise an informative, amusing, well-written entry. Enjoyed it.

    BTW I used to be a great Indian princess myself, so maybe I'm related to your husband too. ;-) Seriously, I commend your husband for his patience and tolerance. That kind of thing, even if genuinely believed and well-intentioned, gets old fast.

  2. Ooops. (Blush of embarrassment.) I now realize the title I didn't "get" is the title of your blog, NOT the title of this particular entry. I blame it on my ADHD, as opposed to my stupidity. (Wink.) So, nice blog title, nice blog, nice entry title. And as I already indicated, nice entry. Idiot commenter error. Hopefully all is correct now.

  3. We've enjoyed reading some of your blog entries today! Keep them coming! We think of you often.


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